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                             Debates & Blog Talk Radio Shows
Full interview by the Waco, TX Tea Party Watchdog Show - April 27, 2014  
"Debate" on a rabidly partisan, tightly controlled FT show vs Kerry Bowers
"Debate" run by that same group vs Dan Pilla, National Spokesman for FT Nation
Debate on Radio Liberty OH vs Steve Curtis, OH FT Director & National AFFT VP, plus the OH FT Rebuttal to my criticisms and my Response thereto
My RESPONSE to AFFT®'s Secy, Jim Bennett's Rebuttal to me (6/5/15)
My RESPONSE to GA FT's Rebuttal to me
My RESPONSE to Lester (no relation to Jim) Bennett's REBUTTAL to me (10/18/16)
Interview on Conservative Radio, Sept. 3, 2014 Hour 3 @5:15 
AFTT® recently produced a Comparison of today's Income Tax, the FT and Flat Income Tax H.R. 1040 (without my amendments), but only in selected areas leaving out entirely those issues that particularly embarass them - I comment on their Comparison.
I would like the opportunity to add material here on additional future debates with
AFFT® officials. I have challenged AFFT®'s new Chairman and President, Steven L. Hayes, (or any other AFFT® official) to a debate, but have not yet heard from him.
From my experience, AFFT® is rather reluctant to defend the product they are selling in a fair debate with me.  AFFT® seeks only to conduct propaganda indoctrination campaigns and "education" seminars in which it can deliver its messages and hype, but without anyone like me introducing those pesky little facts and truths that expose the AFFT® campaign for what it is - i.e., pure hype marketing of its Progressive-Socialist fianacial scam, complete with deceptive charts and graphs which break down upon analysis but which the AFFT® knows that its target audience will likely not bother to analyze or challenge and would merely accept at supericial face value. To AFFT®, the facts and substantive truths take an inferior position to superficial propaganda. While I provide readers with AFFT®'s REBUTTALS of my criticism (along with my RESPONSES (see 3 of them above), AFFT® would not post my RESPONSES on their websites.

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