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On Jan 20, 2020, I gave a speech at Rock the Red (SC Tea party Assn) on tax and redistribution issues that should make hardworking people angry at the GOP in Congress. see my PowerPoint presentation (as a PDF file) and video (to be uploaded). 


July 27, 2018 (6:30 PM) 


The FAIRtax Great Emperor Neal Boortz has no clothes!

There was an article on Florida Politics wherein one candidate criticized the other for Co-Sponsoring the FAIRtax. Many of the AFFT's senior management made comments and for the first time ever, their icon, Neal Boortz chimed in.

Last night at about 9PM, The Great Blowhard Neal Boortz wrote “Having read your (my) postings I would find debating you (me) to be a delight.” Note; that Boortz made no pre-conditions to debating me. I replied that I would LOVE to debate him and asked him several times to contact me via my website. He has not yet done that.

Right after he made his offer to me, he replied to Mason Day in this discussion, and therein he added a sly, silly escape hatch for himself, That is, he said, “I have challenged Eldridge to an an open debate BEFORE WHATEVER CROWD HE CAN ASSEMBLE (all caps are mine for emphasis) on the FairTax. Let’s see what he says.”

What a slimely move on his part to escape from debating me. Surely he has a wide audience (and so does his FAIRtax pal Herman Cain). He can enlist the help of Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots, John Linder, Rob Woodall and the entire AFFT whose officers have been active in this discussion.

AFFT Officer, Randy Fischer made a good suggestion of a pay-for-view show to benefit charity, which I applauded, but we have heard no more from AFFT.

It is most telling that Neal Boortz (and with the apparent approval of the AFFT - at least Randy Fischer) made a blustering offer to debate me, but he (and the AFFT) is quickly running away.

This would be their great opportunity to prove me wrong and thereby defeat/humiliate their greatest critic. But, they are slinking away from that opportunity.

Understand the message of these facts.  The AFFT & Boortz have NOTHING. They know that they cannot defend their garbage FAIRtax on a substantive basis. Instead, they rely on their target audience of the ignorant, superficial, gullible people who are susceptible to their repeated propaganda lies.

The FAIRtax “Emperors have no clothes.”

August 5, 2018 (update)


On August 2, Neal Boortz, the FAIRtax Grand Poobah, its Emperor ("who has no clothes"), its Little Wizard of Oz, its Giant Bag of Wind, its Holy Prophet who wrote "THE BOOK", has finally responded to my goading. see the Florida Politics article and comments. 

He offers a long-winded self-aggrandizement and then goes on to pathetically denigrate me and my all of my arguments, ending in his vitriolic, puerile withdrawal of his offer. Yes, you read that right, he officially took back his offer to debate me. I guess he would no longer "find it a delight to debate me."

The "Great" Neal Boortz has now FULLY exposed all of his bluster and hot air, as well as his (justified) fear of enetering into a deabte with a tax professional who has studied and analyzed the FAIRtax extensively. The ultimate fear of the bully is that he will be humiliated publicly as a know-nothing blow-hard and his FAIRtax would finally be exposed as the load of garbage that it really is.

So there stands "The Great" Neal Boortz naked and afraid, a pathetic little man.

We must understand Boortz's and AFFT's fears. They fully understand and fear that their propaganda nonsense will be fully exposed if they take part in a full and fair debate against a tax professional who has studied the FT extensively and that is moderated by a tax and an economics professional who can act as an independent judges.









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